
15 Sep

Holy cow, I was browsing through some blogs and noticed I was tagged! Yippee, I didn’t even think many bloggers were reading so yahoo. I’m about two weeks late but here we go!

This is how the Liebster Blog Award goes:

1. Answer the questions that the person who tagged you asks.

2. Tell us 11 random things about yourself.

3. Tag 11 blogs and link them to your post.

4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag.

Q&A from http://pilatespolekat.wordpress.com/

  1. Where is your dream vacation spot & what would you do/see while there? I haven’t been to many places, but I’m pretty sure I would love the Grand Canyon. I loved the Badlands in Alberta so I’m guessing Arizona is like that but times a million. I’d probably spend my time strutting in cowboy boots.
  2. Favorite dish/recipe? Pad Thai with spicy peanut sauce. Mmmmm…
  3. Favorite hobbies, other than blogging? Pole dancing. Playing piano. Going to the park with my daughter. I used to love reading but finding the time to do that is near impossible these days.
  4. What is your current favorite song? Oh jeez, any Burt Bacharach song makes me happy.
  5. What is a quote that motivates or inspires you? “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
  6. What is the color that you gravitate to when shopping for clothes and accessories? I’m always drawn to black, stripes and emerald green.
  7. If you could only listen to one decade’s stereotypical music, which decade would you choose? 60’s. So not much would change.
  8. What is your favorite way to workout? Pole. Obviously.
  9. What would you say is your greatest achievement in life? Having a child and becoming aware of things I needed to change about myself to become a better mom.
  10. If you could say something that every person on earth would hear, what would it be? Do what makes you happy.
  11. What song/movie/scent/taste/item sends you immediately into part of your past? (For example, foods like Apple Butter and Pennsylvania dutch cinnamon sticky buns make me think of the times as a young child that I spent with my Great Grandparents in PA before they died.) “Ok Computer” by Radiohead reminds me of an ex who broke my heart. The album still bums me out. Whenever I get a whiff of “Polo Blue” by Ralph Lauren I’m brought back to happy memories of another ex. The opening scene of Batman (80’s Burton version) with the Warner Brothers logo used to scare the shit out of me when I was a kid. My stomach still turns when I hear the opening credits. Eating dinner rolls reminds me of Christmas Eve dinner at my grandparent’s.

Random Things About Me:

1. I’m left handed. During pole class I insist on teachers saying “Inside leg, Outside arm” instead of left/right to avoid confusion.

2. I’m 4’11” and still feel like a child. I want a boob job so I can feel like a woman.

3. I can hear a melody in my head and play it back on any instrument if I try hard enough

4. I eat what I want, when I want. I don’t own a scale and could care less what I weigh.

5. I have a shopping addiction. I get a high from finding the perfect pair of shoes or vintage skirt but have no where to wear anything. I’m not about to go to the park in suede stilettos.

6. I used to have impeccable spelling. These days spell check is always on my back and it’s embarrassing and I worry that my brain is slowly melting.

7. I miss Nova Scotia but the rainy days are keeping me away.

8. I will never love anything enough to want to do it for 40 hours a week. Except maybe pole, if my body would let me.

9. I never wore sunscreen growing up and as such I am convinced I will get skin cancer. I check for weird moles almost every day.

10. I used to dress very outlandishly with giant hats, thigh high stockings and lolita dresses. Now that I have a daughter I feel weird about dressing that way in public.

11. If I say I want something out loud I will find it within a week at Value Village. This has gotten me an accordion, a dress form, an Anne Murray album, a Michael Jackson style leather jacket and stripper shoes.

And I tag….













My Questions for You:

1. At what point in your life did you realize that you were really an adult?

2. What is the oldest article of clothing you own that you still wear on a regular basis?

3. What is your favourite thing to eat for breakfast?

4. What song makes you stabby when you hear it?

5. How often do you change your hairstyle?

6. What teacher made the biggest impact on you growing up?

7. What embarrassing moment from your past still haunts you?

8. What would you say to your 16 year old self?

9. Who was your first celebrity crush?

10. What is your favourite month of the year and why?

11. What was the most terrifying nightmare you’ve ever had? And what was the best dream that you wish you could never wake up from?

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